The poetics of film direction


This is a book about film of high ambitions. Book about creating order and expression in a film's plot. About ways of crafting and joining film elements, both visual and sonic; of developing action, rhythm, dynamics... This is a book about telling a story by means of a film but in a musical way.

It is not about movie understood as a standard narration straight from a Hollywood "factory of dreams" nor it is an overview of director’s techniques of story telling with pictures.

This book systemises ways of endowing film plot with deeper meaning through its sublimation and thus of elevating spectator's experience to the higher level - the level of audio-visual music.

This book answers a question why certain films play upon one's heartstring and become legendary, while others fade without a notice. It is an attempt of describing techniques of a film director that undertakes an artistic endeavour.

Finally, this is a book on how to charm the audience or, to be precise, how to get to human emotions and to something much more mysterious – human sub-consciousness.